Fitmate chronicles #3

Paweł Karniej
2 min readOct 8, 2022


Midjourney AI generated an image of a man working at a laptop at 5.30 a.m


I want to keep those posts as descriptive as possible without being too boring, so I try to keep them short.

Yesterday, my son went to sleep a little bit earlier than usual and I actually had some time in the evening as it wasn’t my gym day.

I managed to do all the home chores quite quickly and I was ready to go to sleep at 10 p.m.

Unfortunately, it was a bit too early and I didn’t want to sleep yet, so I decided to work some more, but I actually ended up making a simple beat instead.

And this was a great decision, I’ve gone to sleep before midnight and created a satisfying enough result so I decided to use this beat to my stream starting intro.

The next day I woke up in a good mood and focused on what needed to be done. The lesson here for me is to remember that I should still take time to have some fun because it helps to unwind after a productive day and sets me in a positive mood for the next day.

The next day

Today was quite a productive day, After writing a really nice list of TODOS in the file I showed the day before, I managed to plan some of them for the next couple of days. I now need to pause writing this post and open a code editor to do at least an hour of hard work before my home wakes up. the wake-up today for me was hard — I went to sleep at least 1 hour too late and unfortunately, I am not in the best mind state right now.

Quick improvements

Back to writing this now. I had a very hard time trying to focus on the task but still managed to put in around 2 hours of solid work. I have done Notifications & Messages Screen UI improvements and those are almost the last UI things to do in the App. There is an Onboarding & Login screen to do, but in terms of App functionality — UI is almost there and I’m really happy to be seeing so much improvement on day to day basis.

I’ve been putting 2–3 h a day for a few days in a row now into my side hustle and I see tons of results. I am really happy with that, I do need some more sleep though, so I’ll have to go to sleep much earlier today to be able to consistently wake up at 5.30 am.

Wish me persistence*,


*and some sleep too this time…



Paweł Karniej

Selfmadedeveloper sharing his learnings while exploring the world of software development.